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- Newsletter Week 14 2019
Newsletter Week 14 2019
Sunday Goodies
Hey there!
It's Sunday, which means that it's time for an email packed with some great content, just for you.
What I've made for you this weekPodcast:#8 - How I Read a Book Every WeekArticles:Why You Are Not Getting Anything DoneHow To Study More EffectivelyLessons Learned From Quitting Video GamesI also want to mention that I recently updated the Book List with a lot of great books that I've acquired. Make sure to check them out on The Book List.Book notes:Here are some notes on the book '7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. These are simply things that stood out to me while reading it:
You have the ability to choose your reaction.
"Nobody can hurt you without your permission"
It is not what happens to us, but our reaction to it, that can hurt us.
Everything is created twice. Once in our head, and once physically.
"Management is doing things right. Leadership is to do the right things"
"The successful man has a habit for doing the things that failures don't like doing". They may not like doing it either, but that's not relevant. They do it anyway.
Urgent and important. Urgent but not important. Not urgent but important. Not urgent and not important. Use this prioritization when managing time.
Not urgent but important is the core of effective personal leadership. It's about the building of relationships, exercise; things that take a long time, and is important.
An abundance mentality is important. There is enough for everybody.
If you place good people in bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow.
Try to really understand where the person you are interacting with is coming from.
An effective salesman first tries to understand the customer's needs, thoughts and situation. The amateur sells the product, the professional sells the solution to needs and problems.
Investing in ourselves is the absolute best investment we can make.
Amazing resource for all entrepreneursI found this last week and wanted to share it with you. It's a huge list of great tools for any entrepreneurs. Check it out here: Entrepreneur ToolsQuote I'm loving“Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.” - Miyamoto Musashi.I posted that quote on twitter yesterday. I often post quotes that really stand out to me, so make sure that you are following me on Twitter!Click here to check out my profile.To your success. Regards, Christian Bager Bach Houmann