Newsletter Week 22 | 2020

Sunday Goodies


Hey there!

It's Sunday, which means that it's time for an email packed with some great content, just for you.

Challenges as a way to improve

Recently I challenged myself to do 500 push-ups in 10 days.

I just wanted to see if I could do it - mostly because I'm not very good at bodyweight exercise. I'm mainly into weight lifting & running.

That's why I'm proud to say that I managed to do it.

And I attribute much of that to the challenge itself. I think that there's something motivating about setting some (very) short term goal, just to see if you can do it.

I think that it has some of the qualities that the

has. It lasts for such a short duration that it seems manageable.

I'd encourage you to try it. Try something that you've wanted to do (or find something). Challenge yourself to do it. And keep track of it.

If you haven't seen it yet...

Then you have to check out Naval's


There's so much knowledge and wisdom in so few tweets. So much so, that Naval decided to expand upon his thoughts in multiple podcast episodes.

You can hear the full (3.5 hours) version

- as well as find the transcript for the full episode.

I cannot recommend reading / listening to this enough.



It is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

" - Epictetus

To your success. Regards,

Christian Bager Bach Houmann