Newsletter Week 47 | 2020

Sunday Goodies


Hey there!

It's Sunday, which means that it's time for an email packed with some great content, just for you.

What I've Made for You

Videos this week

New video coming very soon!

I'll be showcasing my Notion Content Management System in the next video.

Also: soon, I'll show you my Knowledge Management System. Stay tuned for that!

Still working everything out in regards to it. Testing and tweaking. I want to make sure that it's in tip-top shape when you see it.

I do apologize for being slow at creating videos the last week.

We're about to round off this semester, so I've been given massive exam assignments. We are also not far off from having our semester project due... And I'm moving out in a few days.

Please bear with me for just a bit longer. I promise; videos are coming soon šŸ‘

Book Notes this week

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a very sobering read. Highly recommended if you want to learn about how we think about money ā€” and better ways to do so.

On Being Self-Made

So continually remind yourself, Lucilius, of the many things you have achieved. When you look at all the people out in front of you, think of all the ones behind you.

Arnold Schwarzenegger gets asked quite often what, as a self-made man, his blueprint for success is. The answer always shocks the person asking, because he says "I am not a self-made man. I got a lot of help".

Arnold, as he says, stood on the shoulders of giants. Joe Weider brought him to America and took him under his wing. Lucille Ball took a chance and let him guest star in a special, which he says is his first big break in Hollywood.

So he says; "So how can I ever claim to be self-made? To accept that mantle discounts every person and every piece of advice that got me here. And it gives the wrong impression - that you can do it alone. I couldn't. And odds are, you can't either."

So when you are grateful for how far you have gotten, remember to be grateful also to every piece of advice you have ever received. Every man or woman who has ever helped you. For every inspired moment you have had because of another. Because without those, you wouldn't be where you are today.Excerpt from "Stoic Wisdom: 11 Principles For A Better Life".

ā€œIf I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giantsā€

Isaac Newton

To your success. Regards,

Christian Bager Bach Houmann